ALR Motorized Floor Rising Screen

Features Specifications Download

Motorized Floor Rising Screen 
MFS Series 


Aluminium Frames: Sturdy and lightweight aluminium frames provide structural integrity and an elegant aesthetic. ■Conveniently retractable and adjustable floor stand design for easy setup and storage.
Ultra-Short Projector Compatibility: Perfectly suited for ultra-short throw projectors,delivering an optimized viewing experience with minimal throw distance.
■Anti-Pinch Mechanism: Built-in safety feature prevents accidental pinching during screen retraction.
■Tab Tensioned: Ensures a flat and smooth screen surface by using tensioned tabs, eliminating any wrinkles or creases for a seamless display.
■Durable Construction: Ensures long-lasting performance and reliability
■Supports App and Voice Control (Google and Alexa): Easily control the screen through  a dedicated mobile app and enjoy hands-free operation using voice commands  integration with Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa.
■Optional LED back light for more impressive performance. 

Control Systems:
■ RF remote control 
■ Wireless Trigger (Optional) 

Surfaces available:                       
■Tensioned White 1.1                                                                                                                   
■ALR UST Fabric for Short Throw Projectors 


Home Theater, Office Conference Room, Outdoors




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